• Review current City parking conditions, mobility programs, and policies with City staff. • Conduct a parking study and analysis, with a focus on commercial, coastal, and visitor serving areas (see study area map within Exhibit A). • Conduct public engagement to collect feedback on opportunities and constraints and to identify community preferences related to improving mobility within the City for residents and visitors. • Develop a Parking and Transportation Demand Management Plan for the City based on the parking study and analysis and current industry standards, which: o Provides recommendations related to appropriate areas and times for paid parking in the City; appropriate modifications to the City’s current off-street parking requirements for different use types; opportunities for enhancement or increased efficiency of mobility services (such as the City Trolley program); and alternatives to reduce off-street parking requirements (such as an in-lieu fee) to facilitate redevelopment of residential, commercial, and public properties. o Considers improvements to the City’s current Zoning Code Standards (Chapters 17.64 and 17.76), which could be revised and incorporated into the City’s Implementation Plan for its LCP. Considers replacing the Section related to Waivers (17.64.125) with an updated Section on an In-Lieu Fee program, which focuses on programmatic mobility and not just capital improvements. • Additional optional objectives are included within the Scope section that follows (Section E).