Specifications include, but are not limited to: Scope of Services ESUHSD intends to negotiate a contract with a vendor who will provide the products and services as described herein: 1. The successful vendor will be expected to print approximately 165,000 copies of the Schedule of Classes for each session (fall and spring). Once the Schedule of Classes are printed, the vendor will take 164,000 copies, sorted in accordance with Post Office requirements by zip code, and transport them to the Lundy Avenue Post Office which is located at 1750 Lundy Ave San Jose, CA 95101. The remaining 1,000 copies will be delivered, by the vendor, to the Independence Adult Center located at 625 Educational Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95133. 2. Two editions: Fall and Spring Schedule of Classes are to be printed, boxed and delivered to the Lundy Post Office and Independence Adult Education Center by May 20th and November 20th, unless otherwise specified by the Director of Adult Education. 3. Vendor to provide basic graphic design services for page layout. 4. ESUHSD requires a face-to-face meeting with vendor and Adult Education personnel on site at Independence Adult Center after first proof to discuss corrections and layout changes. Second proof and final proof can be emailed to Adult Education personnel for final approval before printing. 5. Vendor to provide a digital edition of the catalog to be used for Adult Education website.