Specifications include, but are not limited to: PUBLIC RELATIONS SERVICES A. Assist with media relations efforts including social media development and management. B. Aid with website design and periodical review. C. Provide positive stories on school events, student activities and achievements. D. Proactive and reactive media relations for reputation management. E. Use grass roots tactics to generate public and media interest in a variety of subject areas. F. Develop a plan for branding Alum Rock Union Elementary School District. G. Engage and host successful media events as needed. H. Participate in various event planning. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES A. Assist with administrative and teacher efforts to communicate with parents. B. Stakeholder communications. C. Assist School Board with communication regarding major district initiatives. D. Development of new communication vehicles. E. Provide media training for district leaders. F. Develop and assist in crisis communication and speech writing. G. Creation of press materials and release of such. H. Overall strategy and message development. I. Marketing campaigns, including enrolment, program information, district updates, etc. to include virtual, print, and traditional (radio/TV) media.