Specifications include, but are not limited to: County is soliciting sealed proposals from highly qualified and experienced firms (hereinafter referred to as “Proposer” or “firm”) to provide professional as-needed structural engineering support services for various projects and locations throughout the County as may be required by the County’s Department of Transportation (DOT). The successful Proposer will complete services on public works projects involving local, state and/or federal funds. Proposals must be consistent with applicable prevailing wage requirements. The engineering services requested will primarily be related to structural engineering of County roads and other associated transportation infrastructure in accordance with Caltrans design and contract standards ; Perform independent check of bridge calculations and quantities. Peer review of bridge plan sets at various design stages. Review and consultation of structure type selection and constructability/staging. Prepare and/or review structural calculations, plans, specifications, and estimates. Analysis of structural (bridge, abutment, pier, footing, foundation, retaining wall) elements. Perform structural inspections and material testing of existing structures, including non-destructive testing, reinforcement scanning, concrete coring, and rock coring. Provide engineering support during construction. Provide thorough, timely responses to bid inquiries or requests for information during construction.