1. Assist in the development of Employer Mission and Vision Statements based upon outcomes of the 2023 Management Offsite meeting. (Attachment B) 2. Create a Style Guide including: • Define proper use of the City’s Logo; • Define key official colors for City materials; • Define key font preferences for City materials; • Demonstrate use of the logo on newly laid out letterhead, staff memo, staff report, email signature lines, name tags one polo shirt, one mug; • Provide one hour, Zoom-delivered training session on the style guide and record the session to retain as a training resource for the City. • Provide best practices on website design and structure. 3. Graphic Design and Website Support • Revamp brochure explaining what it is like to work for the City and live in Lakeport. (Attachment C) • Provide design files for a template of a recruiting brochure. • Provide Canva social media templates to use for promoting open positions, celebrating new employee hires and recognizing employee anniversaries. • Redesign City recruitment webpage including a general page and a police recruitment page. • Provide LinkedIn branding and agency page configuration. 4. Videography/Photography/Drone Support for the development of recruitment videos and other employee features highlighting accomplishments and culture. Focus should be on principal footage. Supplemental and b-roll footage to be provided by City. 5. Develop a 12-month calendar for employer communications. 6. Hourly rate for on-call services for the City Manager and other designated staff to answer questions, develop strategies, projects or otherwise aid in efforts for additional projects.