Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Authority is issuing this RFQ to receive Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms (Offerors) for Rail Systems Engineering Services (RSES). The purpose of this RFQ is to award an agreement (Agreement) to one successful Offeror (Consultant) to provide rail system engineering, system certification oversight, network integration, start-up and commissioning, FRA certification, verification and validation of design requirements, commercial and technical support of rail systems contracts. These activities will be undertaken consistent with European Standards (ENs) and Technical Specifications for Interoperabilty (TSIs). Requirements Management and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) are also key elements of this work. : The complete high-speed rail system as described in California Proposition 1A (2008), including Phase 1, which shall run from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Los Angeles basin, and Phase 2, which shall run from Sacramento to San Diego.