Specifications include, but are not limited to: The prospective bidder (Bidder) awarded an Agreement under this IFB (Contractor) shall provide all labor, equipment, supplies, permits, materials, and incidentals necessary for real property appraisal services and environmental site assessments in the counties of Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kern, and Kings. See Exhibit A, Scope of Work, for a complete description of services (Work). Type of Appraisals and Environmental Site Assessments: A. The inventory of properties impacted by the HSR System includes, but is not limited to, vacant land, agricultural land, single-family and multi-family residential properties, commercial properties, special use properties, railroad properties, and industrial properties. B. Appraisals will be needed for both full acquisitions and partial acquisitions. Partial acquisitions may include, but are not limited to, utility easements, fee acquisitions, access rights, or excess land, and shall require a before-and-after analysis. The Authority uses a tracking and monitoring system that applies a unique high-speed rail number to each parcel of land (referred to as the “HST number”). Assignments to the Contractor will be made by HST number (including sub-parcels) and the Contractor will be required to keep records, prepare invoices, and label all communication by HST number, including sub-parcels.