The Recovery Station shall be operated in Bakersfield, CA and shall serve as a voluntary safe haven for Kern County residents presenting with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder needs. This facility shall serve adults who are actively intoxicated, have not been charged with a serious crime, are not in need of emergency medical or psychiatric services, and can likely benefit from engagement into behavioral health services by a team of staff with lived experience. Recovery station services shall be strength‐based, empowering, person‐centered and promote wellness and recovery in a welcoming setting. The goal of the Recovery Station is to provide care for chronically intoxicated individuals by engaging them into appropriate mental health and substance use disorder services with the use of peer-led services in order to improve health outcomes. Additional community benefits include: (1) a decrease in the number of emergency visits and use of ambulatory services; (2) more appropriate use of psychiatric emergency services; (3) offer an alternative to minor offense arrests by offering a safe, welcoming environment where the client can safely allow intoxication to pass; and (4) begin engagement into appropriate behavioral health services.