Specifications include, but are not limited to: Phase 1 (Community Engagement and Ordinance Development) o Review the Residential Permit Program ordinance and recommend changes to allow for the easier establishment of permit districts, implementation of districts, and adjustments for resident requests; o Using the City’s adopted Community Engagement Framework, develop and implement a Community Engagement Plan; o Draft a proposed Residential Permit Program based on the Parking Management Master Plan and community engagement efforts; o Recommend adjustments to the residential permit parking district fees to cover the cost of permit issuance and implementing individual districts; o Recommend a petition process for forming Residential Permit Parking Districts; and o Prepare a report and present recommendations to City Council for adoption. Phase 2 (Formation of Districts) o Implement petition process for residents desiring establishment of districts; o Establish process for staff review of petitions, certification of petitions, and data collection for responding to resident petitions; o Develop format for holding community meetings with residents requesting a permit district with the goal of: o Discussing data findings from field work and defining district boundaries. o Coming to a consensus on permit district hours, permit application requirements, fees, and process for implementation; and o Develop language for a Council Resolution approving and establishing a district. Phase 3 (District Administration) o Determine and establish a plan for the placement of signage and the process for the installation of signs; o Establish permit request and assignment system using third party for administration of permit issuance; provide in- person and City website-based application process for residents; o Develop a communications package, and a system to distribute package, for residents to apply for permits in person or via website: o Implement permit request system, and permit issuance system; and o Adjust enforcement codes, rate structure for fines, council approval of fine codes, and adjust handheld and citation processing for citation issuance. Phase 4 (Evaluation and Ongoing Management) o Establish process for reviewing the effectiveness of a permit district throughout 1st year of implementation based on data-driven analysis; o Establish process for reviewing established districts with residents, every five years, to determine if district program adjustments are warranted; o Establish process for reviewing and processing petitions received for decommissioning a district which mirrors the process for establishing a district and requires Council Resolution to decommission a district; and o Update City Ordinance requiring a review of permit district annual rates during the Council fee schedule review conducted on an annual basis.