Task 1. Initial Research: • Review relevant studies, reports, and policy documents (to be provided by City). • Analyze existing conditions, such as: demographics, sales tax trends, retail leasing indicators (rents, vacancy, absorption, etc.), real estate data (sale prices, capitalization rates, etc.), vehicle & foot traffic data, and other data. • Scan internal and external trends that will impact retail attraction, including: regional and national economic trends, upcoming legislation, post-COVID consumer trends, ecommerce and other technology trends, population and cultural shifts, etc. • Produce an internal memo with initial findings. Task 2. Industry Outreach: • Interview local brokers, property owners, investors, and other stakeholders to identify opportunities and/or challenges not fully captured by the research from Task 1. • Conduct outreach and gather insights for the commercial retail areas and centers serving San Leandro’s various ethnic and lower-income populations. • Conduct interviews and/or exploratory meetings with key retail brokers, developers, tenants, and other members of the regional retail community. These conversations are intended to gather intelligence, identify opportunities, build positive industry buzz about San Leandro, and set the stage for interactions at retail industry events.