Specifications include, but are not limited to: a. Task 1: Administrative and Contract Manager: This individual will be responsible for invoicing, monitoring the Proposer’s fiscal operations, and ensuring compliance with contract obligations as described in Task 1 of the Scope of Work, and will be identified as Contractor’s Contract Manager. This individual will be the person most knowledgeable about Agreement terms and budgeting for Work and Task Orders. The Administrative and Contract Manager must have a minimum of five (5) years of experience in project management, contracting, business administration, and/or accounting. b. Task 2: Property Management Plan (PMP) Manager: This individual will be responsible for development of a Property Management Plan (PMP) as described in Task 2 of the Scope of Work, detailing the improvements on the property and outlining the type of services that will be required during the property management period. A California Real Estate Broker or Real Estate Salesperson license in the State of California, and a minimum of five (5) years of property management experience is required.