A) Large size LED units: 1. The main frame of the large units shall be made of aluminum, with a minimum of 6 arms. 2. The treated area per unit shall be min. 3,750sq feet and max. 4,850 sq feet. 3. Units shall be Equipped with (at least) 2 * 60A Mennekes plugs. 4. All units shall be equipped with an electronical system which tracks the recorded data of the mobile system and makes it possible to automatically register the amount of lighting hours to a worldwide online platform. 5. Unit shall be able to be turned on/off remotely. 6. Lamp height (from pitch) should not exceed the height of 90 inches. 7. All unit shall contain a minimum of 50 and maximum of 60 LED armatures, each producing between 2200 and 2800 µmol/s with a power consumption between 650 and 800 Watt. 8. All units shall contain a minimum of 45 and maximum of 50 Infrared fixtures, at a power of 750 to 850 Watt. 9. All units shall be able to control/add the heat and light individually. 10. The average light level shall be between the 325 and 375 µmol/m2/s. 11. Units shall not exceed the maximum size of L40’ x W10’ x H10’ and a weight of 4,000 lbs (transport position). 12. Units shall have the option to dim and boost the output of the LED fixtures. B) Medium size LED units: 1. The main frame of the large units should be made of aluminum. 2. The treated area per unit should be min. 1,000 sq feet and max. 1,500 sq feet. 3. Units shall be Equipped with (at least) 1 * 60A Mennekes plugs. 4. All units should be equipped with an electronical system which tracks the recorded data of the mobile system and makes it possible to automatically register the amount of lighting hours to a worldwide online platform. 5. Unit shall be able to be turned on/off remotely 6. All units should contain a minimum of 20 and maximum of 25 LED armatures, each producing between 2200 and 2800 µmol/s with a power consumption between 650 and 800 Watt. 7. All units should contain a minimum of 18 and maximum of 22 Infrared fixtures, at a power of 750 to 850 Watt. 8. All units shall be able to control/add the heat and light individually. 9. The average light level shall be between the 375 and 425 µmol/m2/s. 10. Units should not exceed the maximum size of L24’ x W7’ x H9’ and a weight of 1,800 lbs (transport position). 11. Units shall have the option to dim and boost the output of the LED fixtures