• Conduct a portfolio-wide assessment of all 68 LACDA sites by reviewing LACDA property documents and meeting with LACDA staff as needed to assess details of locations, such as number of residents at each site, where residents go for services (their campus, another LACDA site, non-LACDA sites in the community); layout/design of locations, proximity to community services, and proximity to Metro and bus stops. • Review resident-based outreach survey results collected from LACDA residents in 2023. • Schedule and facilitate meetings with Subgrantees and community-based organizations (CBOs) to determine what additional information is needed from the community and how best to gather it and establish roles for each partner. • Gather input from Sub-grantees on feasible locations for infrastructure (e.g. where can shuttles be parked, what are possible locations for Bike stations, what are feasible locations for chargers). • If needed coordinate with the CBOs and LACDA to gather additional resident input through surveys, or other methods, to narrow down feasible options for transportation infrastructure types and loctations. Information gathered could include but is not limited to: proximity to critical service locations, residents’ daily travel needs, proximity to common destinations, and preferred modes of transportation. • Conduct any other data gathering and analysis to properly assess needs (which could include but is not limited to: GIS data, demographic data, and travel pattern data) and synthesize the data. • Create a summary report and map that synthesizes the data gathered with recommendations on where to site infrastructure, including but not limited to host sites for shuttles, parking lots for charging stations, anticipated shuttle demand at sites, proposed destinations for shuttle routes, and locations for bike stations. • Conduct on-site assessment at LACDA campuses, to confirm where shuttles will be stationed. Conduct on-site visits at a minimum of 5 sites, and more as needed to confirm shuttle locations. • With input from LACDA and ISD create a final report with recommendations that will be used by a shuttle administrator to run a shuttle program, by Metro to install bike stations, and by ISD to install charging stations.