Specifications include, but are not limited to: Engine 4: Scope of Work for this project includes all aspects of the operation of the San Carlos Farmers’ Market including but not limited to the following: 1) A detailed site plan demonstrating produce vendor locations and market flow. This design should consider County regulations as they pertain to the distinct separation of the Certified portion of the Market from the packaged food vendors. Note: Due to mandatory emergency vehicle access, vendors must be placed along the curbs of both Laurel Street and Cherry Street (Attachment 1 - Map of San Carlos Farmers’ Market layout). 2) A Traffic Control Plan, highlighting vendor safe entry and exit plan, showing ingress, egress, and vendor parking. 3) The proposed annual dates and times of Market operation for 2023. Include any dates the Market will not operate, including observed holidays. Final dates and times must be agreed upon by City and Vendor. Note: The Farmers Market site is not available each year on the Sunday of Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend, as that is the weekend of the San Carlos Art and Wine Faire. 4) Approach to recruitment, screening, and retaining vendors, including communication strategy for existing San Carlos Farmers Market vendors who hold a current San Mateo County San Carlos Farmers’ Market site-specific permit. A sample of your Vendor Application is not mandatory, but helpful. The suggested quantity and variety of certified 4 producers, including nursery stock, and permitted specialty food vendors. Note: It is expected that over 50% of the agriculture vendors are certified organic producers. 5) Detailed timeline to establish, implement, and promote CalFresh EBT access, and to take advantage of programs such as Market Match and Bonus Bucks when available. 6) Detail of support and services that will be required of the City. Note: City staff will be responsible for the closure of public streets each day the Market operates. 7) A list of subcontractors, if any, and their specific roles. 8) A description of accommodation of ADA requirements, including restroom and handwashing facilities, as well as location of facilities. 9) Suggested approach to non-Market vendors, such as artists, local businesses, entertainers, balloonists, face-painters, etc. Note: The City currently operates a program called Merchant at the Market, in which local for- and non-profit businesses may participate in the Market for a set number of times. No sales nor food items are allowed in these booths. 10) A set or list of operational guidelines or rules that are in compliance with City and County codes. 11) Community outreach and marketing strategy, which should include surrounding communities. 12) A description of onsite staff recruitment, hiring and training procedures, ongoing supervisory details, staff apparel guidelines, and the course of action when an employee calls in sick. 13) An onsite staff management plan, including duties, code of conduct, street cleaning procedures, and trash management. 14) Approach to the cancellation of a Market due to extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, lightning, or high winds. 15) Approach to removing unauthorized vendors and/or local merchants or other entities from participation in the Market without prior permits or approval. 16) Policy on the designation and signage of a Free Speech Area within the Market footprint