Specifications include, but are not limited to: California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority), RFX 16-14 Streaming Video, Audiovisual and Archive Management Services. The purpose of this RFQ-ITS is to contract with an outside vendor to provide audiovisual support, live Internet web streaming (webcasting) services, and archive with indexing for Board meetings for a period of twelve (12) months. The Authority’s Board Meetings are currently scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month; however, meeting length may vary between 1 to 8 hours and be reduced or expanded as needed to accommodate the agenda. It is also possible that training workshops or other meetings may be held in addition to the public Authority Board Meetings that require audiovisual support and video documentation. Vendors that currently have experience providing live streaming of public meeting content (audio and video and audio alone), archiving of meeting content with indexing and provision of electronic minutes DVDs are invited to respond.