Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Stockton Unified School District (“District”) is seeking bids for supplemental McKinneyVento Transportation Services and supplemental Special Needs Transportation Services. Bidders may submit bids for either/both McKinney-Vento transportation services and supplemental Special Needs transportation services. Multiple bids may be awarded contracts based on the scope of services offered by each bid. McKinney-Vento Transportation Services are those services providing vehicles, equipment, and drivers for the safe transportation of students living outside District boundaries to and from District schools. All passengers shall be transported in air-conditioned vehicles in the rear seat only unless otherwise authorized by the District’s Transportation Department. Based on historical usage for this type of service, the annual miles for transporting McKinney-Vento students is approximately 30,000 miles. There can be anywhere from 25 to 50 students being transported on an annual basis, however, this number will vary depending on the need. Special Needs Transportation Services are services providing vehicles, equipment, and drivers for the safe transportation of regular and special education program students to and from school, between schools, and for other District activities. Students with disabilities may have physical and/or mental disabilities as identified in the thirteen (13) IDEA classifications. Services may include transporting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers through age 21. The average distance between home and school is twelve (12) miles. Ninety percent (90%) of the Special Needs Students are ambulatory; the remaining ten percent (10%) require wheelchair service. The District will evaluate each student, case by case, to determine if attendants are required. Based on historical usage for this type of service, the annual distance for transporting Special Needs students is approximately 80,000 miles. There can be anywhere from 40 to 80 students being transported on an annual basis.