Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is issuing this RFQ to receive Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms (Offerors) for Sustainability Services. The purpose of this RFQ is to award one contract to the successful Offeror (Consultant) to provide technical support, guidance, and administrative support on a range of sustainability topics related to sustainable high-speed rail infrastructure delivery and operations including technical plans and studies. 2. This procurement consists of evaluating SOQs and Discussions in response to this RFQ with the intent to award an Agreement to a successful, responsive, qualified Offeror whose qualifications conform to the requirements of this RFQ and are considered the most qualified by the Authority. The Offeror the Authority considers most qualified shall be the Offeror ranked “1” (top-ranked Offeror) pursuant to such evaluation (see Section 6 of this RFQ). Consultant will be performing environmental sustainability Work under this Agreement as made more specific by task orders as described in Section 2.4. Under this Agreement, Consultant is responsible for providing as-needed sustainability services necessary to maintaining compliance with environmental, social, and governance reporting requirements associated with a range of California statutes. These services help maintain stakeholder support and focus on the California High-Speed Rail System (System), by reporting the benefits and clarifying the System’s essential role in achieving state sustainability goals. In addition, the Consultant will also provide Authority staff with administrative support, technical support, and guidance on a range of sustainability topics related to sustainable high-speed rail infrastructure delivery and operations. Consultant shall be responsible for providing its services in the Sacramento Region.