Specifications include, but are not limited to: Task 1 – Kick Off Meeting Prior to the onset of work, the State’s Representative, DPR Environmental Scientist, and other DPR staff (as appropriate) shall meet the Contractor on-site at their native nursery to discuss the responsibilities of the contract (e.g., schedule, deliverables). DPR will also provide the Contractor with coast live acorns to propagate the quantities noted in Task 4. All coast live acorns will have successfully passed a float test, and as such, been determined to be viable. DPR shall provide the Contractor with a minimum 15 percent excess of acorns, so extra propagates will be available as replacement plantings. Contractor Deliverables 1. One (1) coordination meeting with the DPR before proceeding with other tasks in this Scope of Work. DPR Deliverables 1. Between eighty (80) to one-hundred (100) viable coast live oak acorns. Task 2 - Plant Transport and Upsizing Approximately 2,300 native plant plugs have been maintained and stored at the Native Plant Nursery at Rancho Sierra Vista in Newbury Park, CA. Plants are currently stored in 2-inch or 3- inch pots, and consist of species including, yerba mansa (Anemopsis californica), California brome grass (Bromus carinatus), blue wild rye (Elymus glaucus), and pitcher sage (Salvia spathacea). The nursery is operated by the Santa Monica Mountains Fund and is an official partner of the National Park Service (NPS). Upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed (NTP), the Contractor shall coordinate with the State’s Representative and NPS nursery regarding the scheduling of pick up and transport of the native plants. Within two (2) weeks following the coordination, the Contractor shall transport the plant plugs from the NPS holding facility to their native plant nursery. Once the plugs have arrived at the Contractor’s nursery, the plants shall be upsized to larger pots (minimum six [ 6] inches) or one (1) gallon containers within four (4) weeks after arrival. The upsized plants shall then be maintained as part of Task 5. Contractor Deliverables 1. One (1) coordination meeting with the DPR and NPS to arrange for transport of native plant plugs. 2. Upsizing of NPS plant plugs to larger containers following delivery to Contractor’s nursery. DPR Deliverables 1. Native plant plugs stored at the Native Plant Nursery at Rancho Sierra Vista.