A. Project Goals and Objectives The overall goal of this RFP is to modernization and reduce current expenses for voice and data communication services and optimize the use of the South Coast AQMD's current voice communication network, and if possible, qualifying vendors capable of providing telecommunications services through competitive bid process will be used to make buying decisions that are in the best interest of the South Coast AQMD. Telecommunication services solicited under this RFP will include local, long distance, and toll-free; private IP (PIP) network; Ethernet Private Line (ELINE) Service; Ethernet Private Virtual Line (EVPL) Service; internet access (with a redundant connection); phone system maintenance and licenses; and wireless voice and data services B. Statement of Work/Deliverables This RFP is for a complete turnkey telecommunications carrier/service. The South Coast AQMD is striving to obtain the most efficient and cost-effective manner of providing required telecommunications services. The South Coast AQMD’s current environment is as follows: The South Coast AQMD Diamond Bar Headquarters (21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765) currently utilizes two SIP trunks to provide local service, long distance service, and toll-free service. The South Coast AQMD Long Beach remote office (1500 W. Carson Street, Long Beach, CA 90810) currently utilizes dedicated 100MB EVPL and 1GB E-Line (Verizon are the existing provider) and four dedicated outbound COT trunks to provide local service and long distance service. The interface and voice hand-off support are 2 SIP connections to two ISR 4400 Voice Gateway Routers that route to CUCM. (Lumen is the existing provider)