The Consultant must: A. Provide Triple P® services to residents of Shasta County. Consultant must be able to provide more than one level of service, though the ability to provide all levels of service (Levels 2,3,4 and 5) is preferred. Consultant and consultant's staff providing Triple P® services shall be accredited for the level of Triple P® they are providing. B. Conduct Level 4 Standard Groups and Level 4 Standard Teen Groups as necessary. C. Request ALL Resource Materials from County using the Triple P® Resource Materials Request Form as provided by County. D. Ensure that each Participant completes the required Triple P ® pre and post surveys. E. Ensure that for each Participant receiving Triple P® services, the caregiver is entered into the online Automated Scoring and Reporting Application (ASRA). F. Adhere to Triple P® fidelity requirements. G. Make referrals to other community organizations for mental health services as necessary. H. Maintain an adequate level of accredited staff that are competent in their awareness of parent education. I. Maintain a commercial physical space in Shasta County for participant education courses. J. Increase public awareness of the Triple P® goals to help parents become positive change agents for their children and enhance the community’s capacity to support at-risk children and their families...