Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this RFO is to select one experienced vendor team with detailed usability knowledge and experience providing services on the CalSTRS Pension Solution Project, relating to CalSTRS initiatives to improve government services online, internal web applications, and meet the State’s accessibility requirements. The vendor will assign part-time, intermittent consultant personnel, as needed by CalSTRS, to plan and execute the accessibility tests including mobile, and user experience assessments, advise on the solution meeting all applicable accessibility requirements and laws, and consult/participate in CalSTRS User Acceptance Tests and Training. Consultants will also deliver detailed knowledge and experience around user experience, navigation, information architecture, website design and accessibility compliance for web applications to work within Technology Services / Pension Solution Project and align with CalSTRS and California State initiatives. The services required are more fully described in Attachment V, Statement of Work, included in this document.