Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Agenda Management – We currently use Granicus to upload existing, create new, categorize, approve, and manage agendas, and display published date for each. The new website vendor must be able to integrate seamlessly with Granicus; • Alerts & Notifications - Display alerts prominently on website with notifications sent via email and text messaging to subscribers; with opportunity to display alerts on various pages, not just homepage; • Browser Based Administration - Update, delete and create content from any device with internet access; • Calendar - Update/publish calendar;s for departments/divisions with a main calendar to display all events; • Cloud Capable – City staff should be able to easily upload to content manager using the cloud;; • Content Scheduling - Set dates for content to automatically publish and expire; • Departmental Home Pages - Ability for departments to have dedicated pages within the site that follow the same design as the other interior pages; • Directories with Contact Information - Ability to allow citizens to search for department information, including, but not limited to, phone number, email address, and link to department home page; • Document Center - Upload/download capability for files up to 1GB, backend ability to search within published and unpublished documents; • E-Notifications - Electronic subscription, scheduled notifications for email and SMS; • Facility Management - Listings with maps, filtered search, and reservation capability; • Forms – Allow for designated staff to create custom forms for public use on necessary pages; • Frequently Asked Questions - Ability to categorize FAQs by department or by page; • Icons – Library of monochromatic icons with transparency for content editors to display on web pages with regular updates to conform to the latest versions of Font Awesome (or equivalent) open-source icons; • Intranet/Extranet - Restrict pages by login, with ability to remove login entry point from all pages, except a specified Login Page