Summary of Specifications:
The Arapahoe Library District (Library District) is seeking competitive responses from qualified vendors for an integrated Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. Responses will include information and pricing on the hardware, software and support services necessary to install, manage and maintain a RFID system that includes non-media and media tags, self-check stations, staff work stations, conversion stations, retrospective conversion of materials, portable inventory devices, Automated Materials Handling (AMH) system and RFID enabled book drops. The project is to be completed in two phases. Phase I is to begin in 2016 when tags will be applied to all existing materials and staff work stations and self-check units will be installed and/or upgraded to RFID capacity. Phase II will begin in 2017 and includes installation of AMH system and/or RFID enabled book drops. Both Phases are intended for completion by the end of 2017. The Library District will consider both responses from one vendor for all parts of an RFID and Self-check system as well as hybrid solutions, in which, for instance, tags may be provided by one vendor and the RFID hardware by a different vendor.