Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS) is seeking qualified companies, organizations, and vendors to submit proposals for the establishment and implementation of a Sustainable Agriculture
Research and Innovation Initiative project (SARII) in Boulder County. BCPOS expects this initiative and
associated research center to continue for many years, subject to favorable periodic reviews and positive performance records.
The BCPOS Cropland Policy sets forth the policies and practices that define sustainable agriculture on
BCPOS lands. In characterizing sustainability, the policy includes objectives on such diverse issues as
water quality, pollinator health, greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation to climate change, all with the aim of enhancing farm resiliency. In addition, sustainable agricultural practices must consider three (3) factors; economic, environmental, and social components in the measure of success. While the broad research goals of the initiative will be set by the county, the specific research focus of the center will be driven by a local governance committee that will be appointed by the county and composed of
agricultural producers and other stakeholders. The research center will study a diversity of production
methods and techniques that are applicable to a variety of farming regimes, such as, but not limited to;
conventional, mainstream, regenerative, alternative, and organic. Its overarching goal is to inform
Boulder County agricultural producers and community stakeholders of sustainable options in all aspects of farming.
The selected vendor(s) will provide essential technical and operational support to carrying out a long-term research and engagement agenda that expands and advances the application of effective sustainable agriculture practices countywide. This includes the establishment of an agricultural research center at BCPOS’s Haley property. While the property currently does not have extensive infrastructure, it does have the capacity for considerable on-site agricultural research. The county anticipates funding any necessary future improvements to the property including research outbuildings and irrigation infrastructure. The county will plan, schedule, and budget site development in collaboration with thesuccessful bidder and the local governance committee.