Generally, the project consists of resurfacing 2,500 linear feet of Utica Street. Work will consist of reclamation and resurfacing the paved roadway including construction of embankment, gabion wall, permanent drainage structures, signing and striping, and construction traffic control.
The project also consists of resurfacing the entire length of Humboldt Street (Old Depot Road) along with shouldering, approximately 2,600 linear feet. Work also consists of signing, striping and construction traffic control. Additional areas of asphalt patching are required to replace roadway damaged by fatigue “alligator” cracking.
A more detailed Scope of Work can be found in the Specifications.
Specifications and a sample contract with a CDBG-DR specific addendum are attached. The successful proposer shall execute the attached addendum as part of any contract with the county, and comply with all CDBG_DR requirements set forth in that addendum. Responses to this solicitation containing “cost plus” and/or “administrative expenses” and/or “time and material (T&M), unless otherwise exempted” will not be accepted.