Proposals must be uploaded in BidNet. Submissions made in any other way will not be accepted.
(Allow enough time for your submission and contact BidNet directly with any questions. BidNet will not allow late submissions)
Vendors are encouraged to submit proposals for one, all, or multiple categories of this RFP. The District may award this RFP to multiple vendors based on their ability to provide curriculum for elementary, middle, and/or high school students. If a vendor does not provide a curriculum for certain categories or age groups, we encourage you to consider submitting a response to this RFP for the categories and age groups you specialize in.
For a proposal to be considered complete, vendors must submit four (4) separate files, detailed below, for the response to be considered complete. Please Do NOT submit a .zip file, link to a Google or Dropbox folder, etc.
Vendors are strongly encouraged to keep their proposals concise and brief. Proposals should be limited to the number of pages specified for each section.
Please do NOT send print samples or digital access credentials with your proposal. The District will request these when notifying finalists. Vendors may link to prepared media that showcases print or digital resources.
Additional information is in Section 4 - Proposal Requirements.
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