The City of Brighton, Colorado by and through its Procurement and Contracts Division is soliciting written sealed proposals from qualified Design/Build Teams to perform the Veterans’ Park Water Quality and Trail Enhancement Project. The project shall consist of design and construction of a water quality control measure and design and construction of a trail with bridge. The first section is for a design-build team to design and construct a water quality pond and appurtenances per City and CDOT standards and specifications. The second section is for a design-build team to design and construct a 10-foot wide 1,775 foot long concrete trail that is 6-inches deep, fiber-mesh filled and saw cut every 10 lineal feet. The trail will be placed on 95% or better compacted surface. Additionally, design-build team will design and construct an approximate 50-foot bridge with abutments over the McCann Ditch, install 550 linear feet of storm sewer in an existing roadside ditch and construct a concrete trail over the storm sewer. The team will also be responsible for grubbing, excavation and fine grading of the trail site, trail subsurface work, foundation report for the bridge, approved CDOT/City fence (or barricade) curb and gutter along State Highway 7, and revegetation..