Race day – Saturday, November 23rd 2019 from 6am – 12pm
Chip Timed race for 900-1,400 – Runners/Walkers timed race for ages 9 – 109yrs
Start/Finish Line 2 locations with flag markers, cones, race mat, race marshals for the course. The start line will have to be moved to the finish line area approximately 250 feet apart.
Online site registration – coordinate participants for those registrering the day of the race and get them in the timing system.
Bibs (chipped) – order, design, in color, numbered, ordered, personalized and additional bibs on hand in case the race goes over.
Timing company staff to accommodate the runners (2-4 people) - you would provide your own technical assistance and timing staff onsite. This would be at the start line, finish line and any other location where they are needed.
Follow up – notecards/emails to distribute to runners/walkers with race time and date for the following year.
Promote our race through emails, websites, etc. with other contacts you may have.
Timing system – having a main system and a back up to ensure the race is timed regardless of having electricity available.
Finish Line Clock - you must provide
Set up/Tear down equipment that you have provided for the race.
Generator, extension cords, ropes, safety cones and all equipment for timing area - used for a back-up system in case of a power outage.
Results posted and printed/website to post - we will need paper copies of the runners/walkers times in order to post in our facility and then add to the website for the public to have access.
Safety pins - on hand if needed
Net 30