Sealed Bids for Annual Park Flowers 2024 will be received by the City of Durango until 3:00 PM (Local Time) on March 19, 2024. The City of Durango invites interested, qualified persons or firms capable of providing the required service to submit bids for Annual Park Flowers for the 2024 season.
Bids must be submitted via Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that the proposal is received before the submission deadline. Late proposals will not be considered.
Bid documents and/or supporting information may be downloaded, at no charge, from the following web site: Click on “Vendor Registration” or “Vendor Login”, as applicable. Or at the City of Durango’s website: Addendums and plan sets will not be posted on the City’s website.
The City of Durango reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities and minor irregularities in proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed, in the opinion of the City, to be in the best interest of the City of Durango. This project is being bid in accordance with the City of Durango Purchasing Policy