The proposer shall provide a clear, concise submittal that will address the lender’s ability and experience in complying with the scope of work requirements set forth in this RFP.
Electronic copies shall be submitted as a single .pdf file, labeled with the name of the firm, submitted via Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing, as indicated on Page 1 of this bid document.
Proposals shall not exceed (twenty) 20 pages in length, including all attachments. The statement of residency will not count towards the 20-page limit.
A. The City of Durango is exempt from all local, state, and federal taxes.
B. The Selected firm must have or obtain a current City of Durango Business License upon award of this project.
C. The Selected Firm must complete a W-9 form (Taxpayer Identification No.) upon award of the project.
D. The City of Durango reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities or minor irregularities in proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed, in the opinion of the City, to be in the best interest of the City.
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