The City of Durango Colorado, by and through its Purchasing Administrator, invites interested, qualified bidders, capable of providing the required services, to submit bids for Durango La Plata County Airport Commercial Apron Rehabilitation in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in these documents.
Services to be provided by the Contractor will include but will not be limited to removal and replacement of joint sealant, spall repairs and repainting of commercial apron markings.
Bidders wishing to participate should ensure they have all addenda prior to submission of bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of any addenda applicable to this project could result in the rejection of your bid.
Invitations for Bids and any subsequent addenda will be posted to the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System website ( then click on Vendor Login or Vendor Registration if you have not already registered. Firms are encouraged to register with RMEPS for all City bid opportunities.
No pre bid meeting will be scheduled for this invitation for bid. If you wish to schedule a site visit, please contact:
Brad Riddle –
Office: 970 – 382 –6068
Cell: 970 – 764 –7492
Site visits may be scheduled by appointment only between February 26th and March 6th, 2024
Questions: Each bidder, before submitting their bid, shall become fully informed as to the extent and character of work required. All questions must be submitted via Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System website (
Question Deadline: March 7, 2024, Time: 3:00 p.m. (Local Time)
(Questions received after the deadline may not be accepted.)
Final Addendum: March 14, 2024, Time: 3:00 p.m. (Local Time)
Submittal Instructions: Submittal requirements are outlined in the Bid Submission Section of the Bid Documents. Deliver Bid via: Rocky Mountain E Purchasing ( using the form furnished.
Bid Due Date and Time: April 4, 2024, Time: 3:00 p.m. (Local Time)
It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to see that the bid is received before the submission deadline. Late bids will not be considered.
All bids submitted shall be binding upon the respondent if accepted by the City within sixty (60) calendar days of the submission date. Negligence upon the part of the respondent in preparing the bid confers no right of withdrawal after the time fixed for the submission of bid. This project is being bid in accordance with the City of Durango Purchasing Policy.