Scope of Work / Anticipated Deliverables
The scope of services should incorporate the functions listed below and provide a detailed outline of the project process, a project schedule/timeline, a description of project expenditures by task, and which person/firm(s) or City staff would complete each task. The functions below are not displayed in order of priority or suggested process/timeline. Please note, Edgewater’s Planning and Zoning Commission will oversee this project.
I. Project Kick-Off and Site Tour. The Consultant shall meet with Planning and Zoning Commission and City staff for a project orientation meeting and tour of the City. The meeting will provide an understanding of project process and schedule, goals, and an orientation of the various areas within the city. The meeting will be coordinated by the city.
II. Analyze the 2013 Comprehensive Plan, along with all other relevant City plans and determine how the update should reflect these foundational elements with the City Council strategic priorities, stakeholder input and community context and vision. The direction will be provided through facilitated community engagement and the establishment of community values and goals.
III. Develop a robust and inclusionary public engagement and marketing plan detailing key objectives, benchmarks, and steps in the stakeholder engagement process. Bilingual engagement opportunities are expected to be a part of the update process.
IV. Incorporate informational and educational “speaker series events” centered around the City Council strategic priorities, with a list of potential local and regional speakers/civic health organizations to bring in for the series. Also, the City is aiming for these events to be as creative, Edgewater community-centric and inclusive as possible.
V. Prepare presentations and supporting materials to present alongside city staff at public hearings, meetings, and workshops. The purpose of these meetings will be to provide an overview of the update process; present progress updates; receive comments and input from community, elected officials, commission members, and staff; and present periodic updates throughout the process as well as the draft and final report and ancillary materials to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council.
VI. Develop an existing and future land use map/s with land use designations, that assesses current conditions to identify gaps and needs, and provides recommendations for implementation steps, including integration of sustainability and resiliency principles. These should be data-driven and informed by input from the community.
VII. Create a subarea plan as part of the update for the commercial zone districts along commercial core areas and the transition into adjacent residential zone districts, including along Sheridan Boulevard.
VIII. Establish two working committees. The first will be the Advisory Committee made up of Edgewater’s Planning Commission and other members of the community (property owners and business owners) that would like to serve as stakeholder representatives and will have an input on Plan formation and adoption. The second committee will be a Technical Advisory Committee comprised of City staff and relevant technical advisors as needed.
IX. Capture influences and trends that affect the City’s functionality now and into the future and discuss regional influences and future trends. Key elements may include:
a. Regional and local demographic, land use, housing stock, affordability and development, workforce, commuting and other relevant data.
b. Current and future travel demand locally and regionally.
c. Review safety data and patterns.
d. Include an assessment of potential future land uses and how they may fit in with the city’s various existing plans.
e. Identify incremental steps that the city should be taking to accommodate local and regional future land uses and multi-modal opportunities.
f. Support for environmental sustainability goals and community resiliency.
g. Assess regional and local systems and infrastructure, including housing development patterns, transportation projects, and climate actions/resilience/sustainability programs.
h. Provide recommended approaches and remedies to address City Council priorities, including the use of new and emerging technologies, for addressing any needs.
i. Provide recommended updates to existing plans and policies.
X. Draft Comprehensive Plan. The Consultant shall prepare draft chapters or elements based on the proposed project schedule for review. Draft chapters or elements shall include maps and supporting images that support the text content of the information.
XI. Final Comprehensive Plan. The Consultant shall prepare a final draft of the proposed comprehensive plan for public hearing purposes. An executive summary shall be produced explaining the final drafts and rationale behind the proposed changes.
a. Create as a portion of the Final Comprehensive Plan or as an addendum, a detailed and actionable implementation tracking system (i.e. dashboard type system) for the plan, and recommendations on how often the comprehensive plan should be re-evaluated and updated.
b. Create as a portion of the Final Comprehensive Plan or as an addendum, a detailed description of how and where other relevant Edgewater plans are incorporated into the comprehensive plan, and recommended schedule for updating these plans, as needed. This can be written and/or in graphic format.
Alternate Scope of Work Items:
• Review and update of the City’s Design Guidelines (adopted for Edgewater’s commercial core areas).
• Initial Code Assessment. This assessment should be a technical review of the City’s existing development codes. It also is important to ensure the future land use and Town Zoning Code are coordinated and that any gaps, inconsistencies or future recommendations are captured for the betterment of the city.
• For both alternate scope items, include a community engagement strategy, and consider the following:
a. Notes and comments from City staff regarding areas of concern.
b. Feedback from Planning and Zoning Commission, boards/commissions, other committees, residents, business owners, and development partners.
c. Consultant’s experience and/or knowledge of best practices in other communities.
d. Consultant’s knowledge of urban design, and innovative zoning/land use practices.
e. Consultant’s experience in developing best practice zoning codes, per recommendations set forth in comprehensive plans.
f. Consultant’s experience with developing user-friendly zoning codes, including prior work, as applicable, with Municode (Edgewater’s online municipal code repository) or other online code platforms, and user-friendly land use application policies and procedures.
Existing Plans: The City has adopted other plans that will inform the comprehensive plan update including:
• 2022 City Council Strategic Plan (in process)
• 2021 Parks and Rec Master Plan
• 2019 Sustainability Plan
o 2021 Energy Action Plan
o 2022-23 EV Action Plan (in process)
• 2018 Mobility and Transportation Plan
• 2022 Walker Branch Park Master Plan
• 2022 Sheridan Corridor Multimodal Transportation Plan
• 2022 Mental Health Plan (in process)
• 2022 Edgewater Sidewalk Assessment (in process)
Timeline: The City hopes to complete the planning process within an approximate 12 month period, with final plan completion by the fourth quarter of 2023. The proposals should include a timeline from the initial contract date to completion.
V. Selection and Award Schedule
Proposals should include a letter of interest and will be evaluated not only on past experience for the type of work, but also on the firm’s ability to successfully complete the project. Proposals will be screened in accordance with C.R.S. 24-30-1403. The City of Edgewater will review proposals and will evaluate them utilizing the following factors:
• Qualifications
• Approach to the goals and scope of work outlined
• Ability to furnish professional services
• Cost
RFP Response/Material Ownership: Except to the extent generally available to the public, all newly created material submitted responding to this RFP, shall become the property of the City of Edgewater. Likewise, materials created for the project shall be considered work-for-hire under the terms of the contract.
Responsibility Determination & Negotiations: The City of Edgewater will make awards only to responsible vendors, and reserves the right to negotiate the terms of an award with any responsible vendor or to cancel this RFP.