The project is located along 9th Street and 10th Street (US34 BUS EB/WB) from 23rd Avenue to 8th Avenue, including the intersection at 23rd Avenue. Conceptual work has already been completed, which resulted in the selection of a preferred concept to carry forward to preliminary design. While the City of Greeley (City) does not anticipate right-of-way (ROW) acquisition, temporary construction easements may be needed. The preferred design concept is presented in Exhibit 5. It is the intent of the City to let the project for construction in 2026. Although the CDOT project delivery schedule does not require plans until the FOR (80% complete, ROW plans), the Professional should plan for a schedule as indicated in this RFQ for City review. This RFQ is for preliminary design services that will take the design to a 30% completion with preliminary ROW needs identified (FIR stage).
The conceptual design effort involved heavy stakeholders and public engagement. The main topic that arose during public engagement was related to speed, multimodal travel options, safety, park/open space, lighting, access to businesses, so this must be a key consideration of the design. There will be a need to coordinate with other City Departments, such as Communications and Engagement, Water and Sewer, Culture Parks and Recreation as well as external stakeholders such as the Greeley Irrigation Company and the Downtown Development Authority. Continued and increased Public Involvement resulting in further concept development is critical to the success of this project.