Summary of Specifications:
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to determine which independent contractor is best suited for the purpose of providing traffic signal construction expertise and heavy maintenance assistance to the City of Lakewood Traffic Engineering Division.
Traffic signal construction will consist of placing foundations and signal junction boxes, installing conduit and wire, standing signal poles, attaching mast arms and/or span wire, installing signal heads and pedestrian push buttons, and any other items necessary to complete a fully functional traffic signal.
Heavy maintenance will include standing replacement poles damaged by traffic accidents, replacing signal pole bases, installing video/loop type detectors, installing conduit and fiber for traffic signal interconnect, and other related items that are not within the basic maintenance functions of the in house signal staff.
The City’s lack of heavy construction equipment requires the services of an outside source for the necessary placement of items that have been damaged as a result of traffic accident, natural disasters, or any other unforeseen events.