Summary of Specifications:
This project is being funded by a grant from Tri-County Health Department through the “Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative”, as awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The grant program was designed to “promote recreational and functional physical activity through development of a city-wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan” and to “increase use of walking/bicycling routes through provision of strategically placed signage and pavement markings.” South Suburban Parks & Recreation (SSPR) and Littleton Public Schools (LPS) are identified as project partners, committing staff time to assist with the preparation of the plan
The intent of this project is to create a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that will guide planning, development and management of existing and future bicycle, pedestrian and multi-modal connections within the City of Littleton. The consultant will identify and map the existing bike and pedestrian network; gather information from the public, SSPR, LPS and city staff; prepare Draft and Final plans for comment and identify and prioritize future improvements to existing sidewalks and roadways. These improvements should include items such as lane restriping, signage/way finding, pavement markings, sidewalk widening, sidewalk construction, new trail access points and other safety and road-sharing enhancements. The plan should identify and promote bicycle and pedestrian access for city residents to downtown Littleton, the regional trail system, schools, transit facilities, employment and shopping centers, parks and cultural amenities (e.g. Museum and Library). The plan should provide connectivity to the existing bike and pedestrian systems in adjacent communities including Englewood, Centennial, Highlands Ranch and unincorporated Arapahoe, Jefferson and Douglas counties, in an effort to enhance overall non-motorized mobility and accessibility. The Trailmark Subdivision in Jefferson County is a part of the City of Littleton but specifically excluded from this project other than the inclusion of existing facilities in the final bicycle and pedestrian travel maps. All work should adhere to the current bicycle and pedestrian guidelines recommended by AASHTO, FHWA, and ITE where appropriate.