The City of Littleton is requesting qualifications from consultants to develop comprehensive city-wide Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Master Plans (SSSDMP). The intent is to produce useable documents in digital format to assist the City’s effort to prioritize maintenance, capital, and rehabilitation projects for the sewer and storm drainage systems. Both systems’ existing conditions are to be evaluated using inspection data in GraniteNetGraniteNet and Cartegraph asset management software, and then prioritized into projects with a risk evaluation tool to be developed by the consultantanalyzed with a risk analysis. In addition, the In addition, consultantConsultant will evaluate street flooding within older areas of the city using a 2-dimensional hydraulic model and GIS data, within older areas of the city. The Consultant will also do a cursory evaluation of the older/dated major drainageway studies and floodplain delineations by Mile High Flood District andand provide recommendations for updates needs for updates to those studies, considering their age, and and updatednewer rainfall data or design criteria. The consultant will prepare a monitoring study and a capacity analysis of the city’s sewer interceptor from the Lee Gulch trunkline (south end) to the northern limits of the city, considering inputs from city sewers and outside water and sanitation districts. An update to a previous capacity study of the downtown area is also anticipated, using recently adopted updates to zoning map and anticipated higher density re-development.