Summary of Specifications:
PROPOSAL NOTICE The City of Lone Tree, Colorado (City) respectfully requests sealed Proposals from consulting firms interested in providing planning and design services for the City of Lone Tree’s Community Wide Streets Plan.
Proposals will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 2014 in the office of the City Engineer, 9222 Teddy Lane, Lone Tree, CO 80124. No late, faxed or electronic Proposals will be accepted. Any Proposal which is received after the time mentioned and any proposal so received shall be returned to the consulting firm unopened and will not be considered. Sole responsibility rests with the consulting firm to see that their proposal is received on time at the stated location.
The necessary documents are available online at the Rocky Mountain Online Bid System site (Bidnet). Go to, in the upper right corner of the screen choose “Login” if your company has a login established or “Register” if is the first time you are visiting the site. Follow the prompts for the option chosen. Select “Search for Open Bids and Addenda by Agency” and then select “City of Lone Tree.” Bid opportunities will be listed, in bid due date sequence, by project name and bid number.
Any modification or withdrawal of a proposal, prior to the date and time mentioned above, is subject to the same conditions stated herein, except that withdrawal of a proposal by electronic transmission is acceptable. A proposal may also be withdrawn in person by a consulting firm or its authorized representative, provided dentification is supplied and a receipt is signed for the proposal, but only if the withdrawal is made prior to the time set for receipt of proposals.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or any part thereof, to waive any formalities and further, to award the services to the most responsive and responsible consulting firm as deemed in the best interest of the City. The terms “Proposer” and “Consulting Firm” are used interchangeably in this proposal.
This project is funded by a “Walk & Wheel Colorado” grant from Kaiser Permanente (KP) to increase walking and biking in Colorado through local government action. KP’s technical assistance team will provide the consulting team and staff with strategic input and direction during the course of this project.
Any questions concerning this request for proposal shall be directed in writing to Taylor Goertz, Project Engineer, 9222 Teddy Lane, Lone Tree, CO 80124, or by e-mail at