Summary of Specifications:
SCOPE: The existing Wade Gaddis Water Treatment Plant consists mainly of a filtration building and a service building. The filtration building consists of filter basins, pump station, and administrative areas. The service building consists of chemical storage/feed and maintenance areas. This project consists of repairing some of the code, life safety, and maintenance issues associated with the filtration building and the service building. These repairs generally consist of adding egress doors, installing fire stopping, installing separation walls/doors, adding ventilation, plumbing, emergency eyewash showers, chemical feed piping, fire sprinklers, and general emergency lighting and electrical upgrades. BID CONDITION: The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Engineer with evidence that the Contractor is qualified to perform the repairs indicated in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall have a minimum of 3 years of experience in performing work similar to that detailed in the drawings and specifications. SITE VISIT: The work is located on gated city property and trespassing is not allowed. It is strongly recommended that the prospective bidders investigate the site of the work at the site visit immediately following the pre-bid meeting to satisfy themselves of the extent and conditions of the project.