Bids must be submitted and received by City on or before 2:30 PM on Monday, March 10, 2025. Electronic Sealed Bids must be submitted to City through Bidnet Direct’s Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (“RMEPS”), accessible at, City does not have access to or control over the vendor side of RMEPS, and City makes no representation or warranty concerning the operability or accessibility of RMEPS. If website accessibility or operability or other problems with RMEPS arise during Bid submission, the Offerors MUST contact Bidnet Direct to resolve the issue prior to the Submission Deadline. The Submission Deadline will not be changed or extended due to any issues or problems with Proposal submission, through RMEPS or otherwise. Should any such issues or problems arise, contact Bidnet Direct at 800 835-4603. Sealed Bids may also be mailed or hand-delivered to the Fruita Civic Center, 325 E. Aspen Avenue, Fruita, Colorado 81521 no later than the submission deadline. It is the sole responsibility of the Offeror to see that the quotation is received before the submission deadline. The Offeror shall bear all risks associated with delays in the U.S. mail or delivery service.
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