It is the intent of the City of Steamboat Springs to enter into a contract with qualified, professional vendor pursuant to this Request for Statements of Qualifications to provide educational ambassador services to the general public on how to recreate responsibly on the Yampa River following all established City policies and relevant sections of the Steamboat Springs Municipal Code.
A Yampa River Ambassador Program is a new program that the City of Steamboat Springs is looking to launch in 2023 with the help of a business or non-profit familiar with the Yampa River. The concept of an ambassador program was originated from the success of the Routt County Riders Trail Ambassador program and the City of Steamboat Springs City Councils direction to increase educational efforts related to the Yampa Rivers health, safety, and recreation.
The City is requesting the following ambassador education services from approximately May 15 – September 5, 2023. While preparation for services and high water/rafting safety education may occur beginning approximately on May 15, ambassador services on the river for private tubing are not anticipated until the river levels drop to 1200 cfs and lower with use beginning at River Creek Park. Based on previous years recreational river use with high snowpack winters, private tubing may begin late June 2023. Additionally, river closures due to low water flows, high water temperatures and low dissolved oxygen levels may occur and decrease ambassador services.