Denver Water is seeking proposals from qualified candidates to provide customer survey design, administration and analysis that will be used for improving the customer experience. The work will be divided into two schedules: Schedule I: Continuation of Existing Surveys - Administer, analyze and present results; Schedule II: Survey Design – Develop new surveys around key topics; Administer, analyze and present results. Denver Water is open to awarding each Schedule to a different proposer or both Schedules to the same proposer. Proposers may submit a proposal for Schedule I, Schedule II or both Schedules of work. Denver Water’s objective is to select the Proposal(s) judged to be in the best interest of Denver Water.
Historically, customer surveys have provided reliable quantitative and qualitative data used to understand where Denver Water should focus and prioritize efforts to make the largest positive impact on improving the customer experience. The surveys have also provided opportunity for Denver Water to gain insights on key issues and initiatives, such as customer sentiment on conservation, drought or rates.
Denver Water internal key stakeholders who have ownership for planning and implementing actions to improve the customer experience use results of the survey analysis to operationalize plans to address selected customer experience priorities.