The purpose of this RFP is to select a contractor to provide emergency water damage clean up and restoration services to property owners and tenants when water main breaks cause damage.
Denver Water is issuing this RFP for its Water Main Break – Emergency Water Damage Cleanup.
Denver Water operates an extensive distribution system of conduits and mains and takes its responsibility to maintain the system in good repair by following comprehensive maintenance and main replacement programs, and by repairing and replacing mains based on testing, corrosion reports, and the number of incidents. Under the Colorado Government Immunity Act, Denver Water is not liable for damage resulting from a water main break unless negligence is proven, per C.R.S § 24-10-106(4). Due to Denver Water’s maintenance and main replacement programs, negligence is seldom involved when a main break occurs and Denver Water is rarely liable for resulting damages.
However, through no one’s fault, main breaks do happen and Denver Water understands how troublesome main breaks can be to affected customers. As a matter of policy and as a service to our customers, the Denver Water Board has adopted a main break policy to assist property owners and tenants. Under the policy, Denver Water assists with on-site cleanup and will pay a limited amount for damage to real or personal property caused by a main break. The policy applies to owners or tenants, but not to insurance companies seeking reimbursement for claims paid to their insured customers.
Under this policy Denver Water would like to contract for the performance of emergency water damage cleanup.