Separate sealed bids for proposed Federal Aid Project No. STU 0852-118 (23474) associated with US Highway 85 (Highlands Ranch Parkway to Dad Clark Gulch) Widening Project, Douglas County Project Numbers CI 2022-021 and CI 2011-025 will be received by Owner, Douglas County Government, Department of Public Works Engineering, Philip S. Miller Building, 100 Third Street, Suite 220, Castle Rock, CO 80104, until Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
An EEO-1 Report(s) must be submitted to the Joint Reporting Committee if the contractor and subcontractors meet the eligibility requirements (29 CFR 1602.7). For additional information regarding these federal requirements, please refer to: and Report(s) should be submitted as soon as possible in order to comply with the EEOC’s mandatory filing requirements. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of fifteen percent (15%) has been established for this Project. Douglas County, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. The Contract Goal for the minimum number of totals On the Job Training required for this Project is 28,160 hours.
The contractor awarded a contract for this Project shall name CDOT and Douglas County as an “additional insured” on its general liability and automobile liability policies.
Prior to submitting a Bid Proposal, Bidders shall have received prequalification status (active) with the Colorado Department of Transportation to bid on individual projects of the size and kind of work set forth herein.
The Project consists of widening and reconstructing US Highway 85 between Highlands Ranch Parkway and Dad Clark Gulch (which is located approximately 1,200 feet north of County Line Road), requiring multiple complex construction phases. This Project requires: removal of the bridge that carries US 85 over C-470 and installation of new wider bridge over C-470, installation of several retaining walls which requires shoring in nine (9) major areas, installation of two (2) concrete box culverts – one to carry the C-470 Trail under US 85 and one to carry the High Line Canal Trail under US 85, installation of major storm sewer system, installation of curb and gutter and median cover material, installation of a 10-feet wide concrete multi-use trail along the east side of US 85, installation of a joint utility trench and over 245,000 feet of electrical conduit, project requires over 100,000 tons of asphalt pavements, and several new traffic signals.
The Contract Documents (electronic version) will be available after 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 20, 2022, through the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System Website and electronic versions of the Plans obtained by any other means than as described above may not be complete or accurate, and it is the Bidder’s responsibility to obtain a complete set of the Project Plans and Specifications. Douglas County will not be held responsible for misinformation received from private plan rooms.
A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at Conference Room A & B on the First Floor of the Philip S. Miller Building, located at 100 Third Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, or you can participate in the pre-bid conference virtually via Microsoft TEAMS (the link is provided in the contract bid documents).
All questions are due to Neil Sarno, Project Engineer by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. Any questions on the bidding process shall be directed to Neil Sarno, Project Engineer at or at 303.660.7490.
The Bid Opening will be conducted at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 14, 2022, at the Department of Public Works Engineering, on the Second Floor of the Philip S. Miller Building, Suite 220, located at 100 Third Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104.
The Project includes the following major items and approximate quantities:
Removal of Concrete Pavement - 20,000 SY
Removal of Asphalt Mat - 148,000 SY
Embankment Material - 74,500 CY
Structure Excavation - 36,300 CY
Aggregate Base Course (Cl 6) - 79,400 TON
Stone Matrix Asphalt - 20,500 TON
Hot Mix Asphalt (PG 64-22) - 82, 800 TON
Concrete Pavement (10-Inch) - 3,500 SY
Steel Piling (HP 12x74) - 3,200 LF
Drilled Shafts (12” to 54”) - 17,400 LF
Precast Panel Facing - 12,156 SF
Concrete Class D (Box Culvert) - 736 CY
Concrete Class G - 2,300 CY
Concrete Class D (Wall) - 8,500 CY
Reinforcing Steel - 380,000 CY
Reinforcing Steel (Epoxy) - 1,900,000 CY
RCP (18” to 48”) - 18,300 LF
Storm Sewer Inlets (various) - 150 EACH
Manhole Slab Base (various) - 60 EACH
Guardrail Type 9 (various) - 7,500 LF
Bridge Rail Type 9 - 5,700 LF
Chain Link Fence - 11,000 LF
Concrete Bikeway (6 Inch) - 14,400 SY
Curb and Gutter - 26,000 LF
Curb Type 4 (Key-Way) - 28,000 LF
Median Cover Material - 134,800 SF
Electrical Conduit (various) - 245,000 LF
Luminaire - 177 EACH
Light Standard Metal - 72 EACH
Traffic Signal Pole/Master Arm - 25 EACH
Traffic Signal Pedestal Pole - 13 EACH
Fiber Optic Cable - 37,000 LF
Splice Fiber Optic Cable - 2,000 EACH
Prestressed Concrete (CBT45) - 4,000 LF
Ductile Iron Pipe (size various) - 628 LF
27-Inch Welded Steel Pipe - 55 LF
27-Inch Welded Steel Pipe (Jacked) - 55 LF
Detour Pavement - 4,000 LF
Public Information (Tier II) – 1,100 DAY
Flagging – 10,000 HOUR
Uniform Traffic Control – 1,500 HOUR
Traffic Control Inspection – 333 DAY
Traffic Control Management – 762 DAY
Plan holder information, can be found on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System Website.