Summary of Specifications:
Douglas County School District seeks to conduct an evaluation of (1) responsibilities and requirements of teachers by different stakeholders (not including student-instructional activities), (2) the time required to complete these responsibilities and requirements, and (3) descriptive information about the nature of these responsibilities and requirements, (4) the time required to complete requests by the Board of Education on a quarterly basis, (5) descriptive information regarding process improvement for the fulfillment of Board of Education requests. This evaluation will provide information to the Douglas County School District Board of Education to guide policy development and revision.
In order to address the above the elements, Douglas County School District is requesting contractor assistance to address the following needs: 1. Review the responsibilities and requirements of DCSD Teaching Staff and ascertain: a. Amount of time expended by teachers on professional development. b. Amount of time expended by teachers for in-service days. c. Amount of time allocated to teachers for planning activities. d. The usage of time allocated for planning activities. e. Amount of time expended by teachers to administer required state testing. 2. Review the responsibilities, requirements, and process of fulling Board of Education Requests and ascertain on a quarterly basis: a. Amount of time District staff spends preparing for Board of Education meetings. b. Amount of time District staff spends responding to each request made by the Board of Education. c. Descriptive information from District staff about Board of Education requests.