El Paso County (County) is interested in establishing On-Call Services Contracts (Contracts) with qualified, experienced firms to provide On-Call Mechanical Engineering Services. The overall objective of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to develop a short-list of qualified Firms/Consultants/Companies who are capable of performing high quality work for varying scopes, magnitudes and time frames, for work that may be project or non-project specific in nature. There is no estimate on the amount of work that will be performed under the contracts awarded pursuant to this solicitation. Firms shall provide evidence that they have a good understanding of, and have expertise related to, each service category. Examples and/or comments are acceptable in the proposal as long as there is adequate information provided for the County to evaluate.
The County reserves the right to award contracts to multiple Firms/Consultants/Companies to meet operational requirements. It is the County’s intention to award no more than five (5) contracts per service category, if applicable.
NOTE: It is possible these services could be utilized in performance of state-funded and/or federally funded projects, in which cases additional sate and/or federal terms and conditions would apply.
The selected Firm(s) will perform specified work on an “on-call” basis, as needed. The County will provide a specific scope of work to one or more selected Firm(s) at the time that work is needed and will request that the Firm(s) submit a short proposal with an estimated cost (based on rates/fees submitted in response to the is solicitation), and anticipated schedule for the specific scope described at that time.