Summary of Specifications:
The scope of this proposal is to procure a system that will allow for the rapid notification of parents, staff, and community based on emergency, and scheduled needs. The notification system should include emails, voice calls, and text messaging. The system must have emergency use capabilities and optional planned/scheduled notifications. The notification must be useable for the entire District, groups of schools, individual schools, sub-groups within or across schools (i.e. 5th grade or football team(s)). The District should be able to administer the system from a single web-based interface with optional use of a telephone interface. The system must allow for unlimited use of emergency and non-emergency notifications without a ‘per-use’ fee. The system must have a robust set of real-time reporting features including delivery notification, data integrity, and system usage. The ability to import and use data from our student information system, staff information system, and ad-hoc entries must be supported. The ability to export all reporting data in a format readable by an SQL database is needed. The ability for users to administer their “accounts” via a web-interface is desired.
It is desired that the system be hosted by the proposer in a secured, redundant, manner that provides for 99.999% availability. The proposed must have extensive experience with K-12 school districts for at least three years.
The related services should include assisting the District in planning, implementing, and maintaining the rapid notification system. Providing best practices from other K-12 Districts and networking opportunities with personnel from comparable sized K-12 Districts is needed.