Las Animas County is seeking qualified contractors/firms to design/build a pavilion (Phase II) within the Las Animas County Fairgrounds Complex. Its location will be toward the south east area of an existing park. When finished, its size and appearance will be similar to an existing pavilion toward the northwest area of this same park. Its size will be app 40’ x 32’ x 8’ h with a 6” concrete floor, electric lights and outlets, sink to include water, 30” w x 36” h 32’ l L shaped stand-alone counter, metal roof, etc. A ‘hood’ system and grill will not be a part of/included/constructed in this pavilion. This scope includes the development of a budget from which grant funding will be sought for its construction. Pavilion kits that meet the requirements will also be considered. The County reserves the right to reject any design/kit at its sole discretion.
The essence of this solicitation is for each respondent to include in their submission the guaranteed maximum price/estimate that the County can then seek funds for the pavilion construction with. The tentative funding source’s application deadline is March 3, 2025, hence the reason for the short time frame.