Parker Water & Sanitation District (PWSD or District) is requesting bids from qualified contractors (Contractors) to remove, rehabilitate, procure, and install two (2) groundwater well pumps.
The purpose of the Well Equipment Replacement and Rehabilitation Project (Project) is to proactively replace groundwater pumps, motors, and associated equipment when determined necessary through data analysis and equipment operations. A Contractor will be selected to perform the pump replacements for two (2) Denver Basin well pumps (Neu Towne Dawson and Regional Laramie-Fox Hills). Existing equipment, removed as part of this Project, shall be sent to the manufacturer to be inspected, rehabilitated, shrink-wrapped, and returned to the District for re-use. Subsequently, new equipment shall be procured and installed. Neu Towne Dawson and Regional Laramie-Fox Hills (LFH) pump equipment will be sized according to data provided by the District based on current operations and efficiency of existing equipment for which the Contractor will be responsible for evaluating. Both wells will require video analysis and cleaning prior to the new equipment being installed. Based on video investigation and necessary review of well records, the Contractor will recommend the appropriate method of cleaning.