Parker Water & Sanitation District (PWSD or District) is requesting proposals from qualified consulting firms (Consultant) to provide engineering design services for the Regional Pond to Cherry Creek Pump Station (CCPS) Parallel Pipeline Project (Project) according to the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals (RFP).
The Project will aim to offer operational flexibility through the addition of valving, removal of hydraulic limitations, and pipeline connections where feasible. The primary goal of this Project is to maximize the capture of reusable return flows. In general, the Project will involve engineering services for design, permitting, and bidding assistance for the completion of a 24-inch pipeline to parallel an existing 16-inch pipeline between two PWSD facilities (Regional Pond and CCPS). Further information on the scope of the Project is provided in the Project Specifics section of this RFP.
Regional Well House/Pump Station, adjacent to Regional Pond, currently houses three (3) pumps (two [2] primary and one [1] standby) that pump water south through a single 16-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) to the CCPS and Diversion Structure. From the CCPS and Diversion Structure, surface water is pumped through a 48-inch DIP into Rueter-Hess Reservoir (RHR). The purpose of this Project is to maximize reusable return flows to increase water levels in RHR.