This Contract is for Effects of Explosives on Avalanche Frequency and Magnitude. Artificial release of avalanches using explosives is a common control method in the United States. It is assumed that the frequent application of explosives to trigger avalanches results in more frequent but smaller events (Simioni and Schweizer, 2018). However, to our knowledge, no formal publications provide data supporting this assumption. The objective of this project is to examine the effect of explosive mitigation on seasonal avalanche frequency and magnitude in a given set of avalanche paths. To achieve this objective, we ask the question:
How does the frequent application of explosives impact large-magnitude avalanche frequency to elements at risk for operations?
This work will involve completing a literature review of published research in this area, compile datasets of avalanche occurrence, explosive use or mitigation treatment, snowpack, and weather events - from areas with active and passive mitigation programs, and employing standard statistical techniques to analyze these data to determine how frequent active avalanche mitigation impacts the magnitude and frequency of these events. These datasets are available from Transportation Avalanche Research Pool member groups, although they may be in multiple datasets and in a range of storage and formats. Some of the dendrochronological data has yet to be collected. The results of this research will include clean datasets of the data used, classifications of explosive programs (type of explosive, delivery method, frequency of application) and avalanche characteristics (size, impact on asset, frequency or return rate). These results will be used to improve the efficiency of avalanche mitigation efforts including looking at the timing and frequency of mitigation treatments as well as developing long-term strategies for hazard management and infrastructure installations.
Identification Section
Title: Effects of Explosives on Avalanche Frequency and Magnitude
Short Title: Effects of Explosives
Study Number: TARP 497-24-04
Definition of Terms:
CDOT: Colorado Department of Transportation
CAIC: Colorado Avalanche Information Center
FHWA: Federal Highway Administration
PI: Principal Investigator
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
TARP: Transportation Avalanche Research Pool
QPR: Quarterly Progress Report